
Tips to enjoy a perfect trip

Sometimes trips include a series of unforeseen events that do not depend on us. To prevent this from happening, and for our trip to be even better than expected, there are a series of recommendations that are well taken into account and applied.

Open your mind:

Traveling means knowing other cultures, customs and ways of life different from ours. In some countries, we will like them more than others. There are places where the schedules of the meals are rigorous, in some its population is very accustomed to asking many questions, to be very helpful and, in others, everything is negotiated through bargaining. To enjoy the trip and that is an apprenticeship it is essential to keep an open and tolerant mind. If we have chosen to visit that place, it is because we are interested, with its pluses and minuses.

Choose a good traveling companion:

This is one of the most important points for a trip to go well. Also, the least often taken into account. Not everyone serves as a companion for a trip, even if there is a good relationship between us. To know who we should travel with, we must take into account the tastes and customs of the other person, what are your expectations about the destination? What is your budget? Are you interested in visiting the same places as me? Traveling with someone close to us will make the holidays are as we expect.

Take the scanned documents:

At any time there may be an unexpected, so to avoid taking your hands to your head is advisable to make a digital copy of our passport, travel insurance and reservations stored in our email. In this way, if we do not have physical documents with us, we can access them from any electronic device and expedite the procedures to recover everything again.

Drink bottled water:

Although in many countries tap water is potable, our body is not prepared for its components. To not spend our entire trip in bed, or visiting the toilets of all the places we visit, it is advisable always to drink bottled water. Doctors also recommend that we use it to brush our teeth and to avoid foods that have not been previously cooked. For example, salads or fruit.

Take a first aid kit:

It is not necessary that we take the pharmacy to piggyback, but some medications that we may need in the destination and that, at times, we will have difficulties to find them there. Also, we will know what we are taking. The essentials would be painkillers, plasters, stomach protectors and painkillers. If you

are a woman, it is also recommended that you be prepared in case of the period drops, because in some countries the sale of tampons is prohibited.

Take an awesome handbag:

A niche travel handbags can make more beautiful your travel.  It’s beneficial to keep everything you need. A good velocity can make you more attractive. So don’t forget to buy the best travel handbags.

Close the suitcase well and plasticize it:

Make sure the briefcase that bills are tightly closed. If you plan to travel to the United States, then it is advisable to use a TSA lock so that, if the authorities have to open our luggage, they can do so without any damage. Also, if we plan to travel to countries where the controls are not so exhaustive, and there is a risk that we introduce something in the suitcase, it is advisable to laminate it at the airport before billing.

Take the money distributed:

If you have decided to change large amounts of cash, avoid taking everything together in the same portfolio. It is advisable to distribute it and store it in different places: wallet, pocket, backpack and leave a part in the hotel. Thus, if any unforeseen arises, we will always have money somewhere else.

Avoid the tails:

The best option to avoid wasting time in a queue is to be accompanied by a guide. Hiring a guided tour or traveling with an organized group will allow us to have priority over other visitors. Another option is to buy the tickets in advance, many times these already mark an hour that is usually respected.

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